Sunday, November 18, 2012

What's e-Onomastics? (part 1)

Now it's time to explain what I mean by the term "e-Onomastics".

It seems to be that nobody used it before me.

If you type in "e-Onomastics" into Google, you will get solely 36 occurrences, from which 32 represent the combination "e onomastics" where "e" is the rest of the precedent word (thE, point (E), or herE, etc.), then 3 porposition to register your site under and 1 occurrence indicates that somebody owns a domain named "". I must confess that the latter already belongs to your obediant servant. I have a strong intention to use it for the further researches.

If you search for "eonomastics", you get 17 results. Among them we find 12 occurrences for my domain, one link to my page on LinkedIn where I noticed it by way of example of my research interest, one rest of "dEONOMASTICS" (field of linguistics exploring the derivatives from proper names), and 3 occurrences for rests from "digestiblE ONOMASTICS.

That's all!!!

Formally speaking, I have been inspired by the word-formation "e-Humanities", synonym for Digital Himanities. It's interesting to point out that in the English version of Wiki article on "digital humanities, e-Humanities as a term is not mentioned at all. But, we can find it in the German version:

Die Begriffe "Digital Humanities", "e-Humanities" und "Humanities Computing" werden synonym verwendet, wobei die beiden ersteren heute gebräuchlicher sind. E-Humanities ist analog zu e-Science gebildet und steht für "enhanced" oder auch "enabled" Humanities. (

based on Andreas Aschenbrenner, Tobias Blanke, Stuart Dunn, Martina Kerzel, Andrea Rapp, Andrea Zielinski: Von e-Science zu e-Humanities - Digital vernetzte Wissenschaft als neuer Arbeits- und Kreativbereich für Kunst und Kultur. In: Bibliothek. Forschung und Praxis. Bd. 31, Nr. 1, 2007, S. 11–21

In this case, what do they understand by e-Science?

"E-Science (or eScience) is computationally intensive science that is carried out in highly distributed network environments, or science that uses immense data sets that require grid computing; the term sometimes includes technologies that enable distributed collaboration. The term was created by John Taylor, the Director General of the United Kingdom's Office of Science and Technology in 1999 and was used to describe a large funding initiative starting in November 2000. E-Sciences include particle physics, bio-informatics, earth sciences and social simulations." (

In the German version of English article on e-Science is stated as follows:

"Das Konzept der eScience setzt sich in den einzelnen Teilbereichen fort. Dort kommt es dann zu Begriffsbildungen wie e-Geography, e-Humanities, e-Medicine oder e-Engineering.
Was vor allem in Deutschland und Großbritannien unter dem Begriff e-Science diskutiert wird, entspricht in den USA etwa dem Konzept der "cyberinfrastructure" und in Australien dem Konzept der "e-Research"." (

But what's "e-Humanities"?

Quotation from (University of Leipzig's project):

"Various efforts in digitization helped making available a wealth of resources on a global scale. But mostly, the sheer amount of data collected is extremely hard to handle. For the researchers it is naturally difficult to stay focused on a complex research question while manually working with the data employing conventional query mechanisms. The value of the data is clearly restricted by the existing means of browsing and processing it.
What lies ahead is a future of vastly growing collections of digital artifacts available to researchers in the Humanities. The gathered resources will aim to cover more niches and get more complete in the popular areas. They therefore yield answers to questions that currently cannot even be foreseen.
The e-Humanities aim to bridge the gap between specialist scientists, digital resources and data analysis methods from the computer science. They employ techniques such as Data and Information Visualization in the context of scientific inquiry to craft immerse systems for an Explorative Search within the data bases. They extend Text Mining and Information Retrieval to work on historical texts, uncovering hidden links through a re-use analysis. They build tools for working with ontologies and metadata repositories, specifically with the Humanities in mind.
In that manner they lead from a quantitative view on the data to a qualitative assessment of the underlying facts. While automatic data analysis can never replace or surpass qualified human expertise, it is the perfect augmentation for researchers' digital workflows and an invaluable means of navigation through huge resource collections. The e-Humanities are not going to change the subject of research in the Humanities and are in many cases not even touching the general methodology. What they can achieve, nevertheless, is a whole new level of effectiveness and statistical reliability as well as a whole new way to approach digitized resources."
(to be continued...)

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